Missouri Department of Mental Health

Disaster Preparedness

Are you a service provider, case manager, or someone who supports individuals with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities (I/DD)? This information, created by the Missouri Department of Mental Health’s Office of Disaster Services, is here to help you prepare for emergencies. It won’t provide one-size-fits-all answers because each person’s needs are unique. Instead, it will prompt you with important questions to consider as you develop your own disaster plans to ensure the continued well-being of those you support. This approach empowers you to create plans that are specific to the individuals you serve.

Disaster Preparedness: Individual Planning Guide

This guide is designed for individuals with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities (I/DD) and their families. It is designed to help individuals or families plan and be prepared in the event of a disaster.

Disaster Preparedness: Provider Planning Guide

This guide is designed for direct service providers, case managers, and others who serve individuals with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities (I/DD). It is designed to help providers plan and be prepared to ensure the needs of those served are met in the event of a disaster.

Disaster Preparedness: Video Guides

The video guides are concepts taken directly from the individual and provider planning guides and put into a fun and engaging format. Videos are organized into two modules: Guidebook Concepts and Addressing Personal Needs. Topics include: Overview of the Guidebook, Disaster Preparedness Check, Service Animals, and so much more. 

Join us as we explore how routines provide comfort and structure to our lives, both at home and in the workplace. Discover how commitment to routines can help some excel professionally, and how safety drills at work and home reinforce the importance of preparation and readiness.